In need of dentures? Don't dismay; dentures have come a long way over the years. If you're worried about the transition to dentures, focus on the many benefits you'll experience, such as how much easier it will be to eat and how much more clearly you will speak.
Don't assume that dentures are only for the elderly; dental trauma, tooth decay, and disease can cause tooth loss at any age. Both young and old may look to dentures to repair their smile and restore their self-esteem. Learn more about how to adjust to your new dentures.
Modern dentures are much more comfortable than what your grandparents' dentures may have been. This is due to updated materials and new technology. Today's dentures also look a lot more natural and similar to your own teeth, so much so that others will not realize you wear them.
Worried that dentures will slip and slide around in your mouth? Your denturist will measure your mouth and find a good fit. To maintain the fit of your dentures, you will need to return for adjustments as necessary. When you fear that your dentures could be slipping, like when you cough or laugh, bite down firmly to reposition the teeth.
Today's dentures vastly improve the overall shape of your face and enhance your smile. The support provided by well-fitting dentures can help shave years from your appearance. Furthermore, wearing dentures to replace gaps helps align your remaining natural teeth properly and maintain the shape of your face.
Old dentures were known to click when the wearer spoke. To avoid those clicking noises, speak more slowly and practice speaking after being fitted with your new dentures. Once you adjust to your dentures, speaking will come easier.
When it comes to dentures, you have more choices and options than ever before. Patients with small jaws, few foundation teeth, or other dental obstacles are being able to restore their smile with contemporary dentures.
Basically, there are four different
types of dentures
to choose from:
- Partial dentures are removable and used when only a few teeth are missing from your gumline.
- Complete dentures are made for situations where no natural teeth remain to secure a partial plate.
- Immediate dentures are fitted immediately after a tooth extraction. It is a temporary solution, used to fill the spot until your mouth heals and it can be replaced with a more permanent solution.
- Overdenture refers to dentures that sit over your own teeth, usually for support and stability of the denture. Your natural teeth are filed down to fit underneath the plate or tooth.
Depending on the condition of your teeth, your dentist will make a recommendation for the best and most appropriate options for you. It may be that the best solution for you is not dentures at all, but rather dental implants.
If you still are asking yourself if being fitted for new dentures is worth the bother, the answer is yes. Dentures benefit the wearer in a range of other ways, including reducing the stress and strain on your natural teeth, reducing the need for additional dental work. Wearing well-fitting dentures can help prevent jaw issues and reduce your overall risk for tooth decay and periodontal disease.
Are you ready to get evaluated for dentures? The first thing to do is make an appointment with a dental professional at
Premier Dentures and Implants; your denturist will identify the most practical approach to dentures for your mouth. Dentures have come a long way over the years; talk to your dental professional to learn more today.